Rehab Estimator Pro
Imagine you are viewing a VIDEO walk thru a house that fits your purchase criteria, and are able to evaluate what needs to get done AND how much it will cost to repair. Before Rehab Estimator Pro Rehab Estimator you would have to go physically thru the house and then go back to the office, research materials, costs, figure in labor costs, and more, BEFORE you could calculate and arrive at an offer. Now you have a tool right in front of you, as you are reviewing the property. No more "Let me go back to you and figure this up." AND you will be able to show the seller why you came up with the offer(s) you did. And have the details to back it up.
Learn more by visiting the REP website or signup via the REP Signup page and get a discounted price of $29.95/month (normally $49/month)!